Lindsay Lohan nude photos break the record for Playboy

Although it must spend $ 1 million to ask Lindsay Lohan posed nude, but Hugh Hefner does not seem to sacrifice in vain. As reported by Aceshowbiz, sales of Playboy magazine January-February edition is selling well.

This was disclosed by Hugh Hefner himself as the founder and owner of Playboy magazine. Through Twitter, the 85-year-old man announced that sales of the magazine edition of Lindsay Lohan is not only successful, but also managed to break sales records.

"Sales January-February issue of the magazine Lindsay Lohan has broken sales records," wrote Hugh on Sunday (18/12) yesterday.

It was also reinforced by the description of one of Playboy magazine spokeswoman stating that the magazine is indeed proven to be successful like Hugh expectations. Unfortunately, the spokesman did not mention the sales figures that have been achieved by these adult men's magazine.

TMZ reports that Playboy towns that had been distributing the magazine has also re-order magazine that published the earlier. Additionally, sales conducted online via also increased significantly.

This happy news as well as address issues previously stated that the magazine did not sell. Fox411 previously reported that on Friday (16/12) and then selling the magazine is very low, since one seller said, "No one bought it."

This edition of the magazine was phenomenal since the beginning of Hugh asks Lindsay posing for this magazine. Ahead of the release, the Playboy also had contact with disaster because there is a hacker who stole naked pictures of Lindsay and pass it without permission. Because of that, Hugh was forced to advance the release schedule of this magazine. (ace / ris)

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