Measures to Overcome Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common problem experienced by every person. But sometimes, we do not know the proper way to handle it. In order for hair loss can be minimized, follow some tips from eHow below.
Hair loss can be overcome in various ways, depending on the cause. Hair loss can occur due to wrong habits, wrong hair care, or the wrong diet.
Habits and treatments that cause hair loss1. Hair tied in a state of sleep, so that makes it wrinkled and easily fall2. Combing (roughly) hair is wet. Wet hair becomes more fragile and easily fall out when combed.3. Hair with the dryer temperature too hot, thus making the outer layer of damaged hair, also break easily fall out.4. Too often prescribe medications chemically to the hair such as hair straighteners, curlers and the like, so membut increasingly brittle hair.5. choose a shampoo that does not correspond to the type of hair.6. Wash with water so hot that damage the hair and makes it brittle.
To cope with loss, you should stop the habit on top. Comb your hair before going to sleep to reduce kekusutannya in the morning. Choosing a baby shampoo can also be an option, because the content in the shampoo is more gentle and mild. Making it suitable for those with sensitive hair and scalp.
Alas pillow was also able to make hair fall out. Alas pillows are made from cotton fibers typically have a more loose and allow the hair stuck in it, so when we broke up. According to experts, the base cushion of satin material proven to be safer for the hair.
Hair loss can also be caused by your hair is too long and heavy, so the scalp can not afford to keep him. To that end cut your hair or haircuts replace with shorter model.
One dietHair loss can also occur due to nutritional imbalance in the body. The most common hair loss causes are anemia or deficiency of red blood cells in the body. To fix this, you need to eat foods that contain iron to balance the levels of red blood cells. Fish and green vegetables may be the right choice.
Besides vitamin C also functions in the body assimilate iron. You are advised to eat a variety of fruit rich in vitamin C such as oranges, strawberries and so forth.
Good luck!

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