When a short message to be a source conflict of love

Almost all couples are now communicating through, among others, send messages - SMS, BlackBerry Messenger, WhatsApp and so on. But in addition to making the relationship more intimate, short messages can also be a source of conflict romance.
Use of the wrong will make this useful technology even catastrophic. Be careful!
Detective impromptuMobile phones often tempting lay couples to be investigated. The goal, saw the message, the activity of fuel, and various other incoming messages. Usually this is done without the owner's knowledge.
If you find anything suspicious, conflict is inevitable. You are suspicious of activity partner, while the couple was no less emotional for checked his cell phone without permission. It is not necessary.
Instead of continuing mutual suspicion, should wake up good communication with your partner. When meeting, leave their cell phones and exchanged stories about what is done today. Building trust with a sound basic communication better than continue to undermine ties with suspicion and excessive jealousy.
Emotions and expressionsMisunderstood because of the loss of expression or emotional elements often arise. Emoticon or more words that indicate you joking or serious can help reduce this problem. Nothing wrong with adding an emoticon smile or sad to make a point of greeting you in order to be inevitable misunderstanding.
So also with words. Try not to overuse of the abbreviation if it is not necessary. Not everyone understands if 'X' is the replacement for 'his' or 'W' is the replacement of 'I'. So also with abbreviations like BRB, LOL, and others. Get to know who the other person before sending a message with the words that are not public. Do not let misunderstandings occur simply because you ignore brief or forget to use the language to use emoticons to make a point messages.
The seducerMobile phones and the Internet allows us to relate to many people. Starting from elementary school to an old friend when a new friend who is known only from social networks. Sometimes the communication is done via a digital medium is often considered more relaxed. Teasing or flirting is considered legitimate because it is only done in cyberspace only.
However, your spouse does not necessarily agree. Your behavior is easy to seduce a friend or social networking in the fuel may lead to new conflicts. Nothing wrong with discussing this issue with a partner. Know the feelings and try not to hurt her. Do not just because of the temptation for a moment you risk losing the relationship that was built well over the years. Choose your priorities right.
Stunt doubleMobile phones are a communication tool, not a substitute for you in the communication should be direct. Talks to decide on a relationship or even divorce should not be done through short message. Coward and a negative label it is definitely stuck, if you do it via SMS or other short message.
Love relationships there are sweet and bitter. Do not just happy to enjoy the sweet and avoid bitterness. Complete good your relationship through good conversation. Your spouse is also entitled to receive an explanation and ask about your decision. After all you ever get through to her beautiful, you should end your relationship with the good also.
The responsiveToo quickly respond to short messages on mobile phones may not be good for you. First, these habits will greatly interfere with the working concentration. Secondly, if you are in a phase approach, should not be too easy to respond. The old rules still apply in this approach. Too quickly respond to what he sends to impress you just think of him and no other life. For men, sometimes it makes them feel less challenged.
For the important stuff does not hurt to respond quickly. But if you keep focused on the phone, another job can be neglected. If you're home, try to squeeze in time to interact with your partner without interruption phones. At a romantic dinner or special moments you both, you should forget for a moment the phone so he did not feel secondary. The habit quickly respond to a short message without regard to time can be a source of potential conflict in relationships. You who have control over your cell phone, not vice versa.

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