Wow .. Control Your Computer with just The Eyes

How do you control your laptop? You can use a mouse, trackpad, and keyboard, ...
LAS VEGAS - How do you control your laptop? You can use a mouse, trackpad, and keyboard, or by an extraordinary way, ie using your eyes.

Tobii Technology is headquartered in Sweden has developed eye-tracking technology that makes the person in control of laptops and other devices, using only his eyes.

As reported by PC World, on Monday (09.01.2012), which revealed the latest technology at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2012, pinned to the creation of Lenovo laptops, and placed behind the screen. How it works by shining infrared light into the eyes of users, giving rise to red eyes. Afterward, Tobii is able to create a 3D model of the eyeball users, and determine where the user's eye view leads.

Previously there were the calibration process, but the process is quick and easy. What should be done just sitting at the computer and directs the view to follow the flashing dots on the screen. This calibration process need only be done once, after that the computer will know to which direction the user's eyes.

Some of the usefulness of this Tobii technology, of which track the user's eye movements when reading a document, and automatically move the page when a user has reached the end of the page. This technology also allows users to zoom in just by staring at the desired part, and use the scroll on the mouse.

Currently, the Tobii technology is not ready for consumer use, despite the fact Tobii has developed Gaze Interface for Windows 8. This technology is also applied as a substitute for a mouse or keyboard, because users can not use the blink of an eye as a substitute for click.

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