Ministry of Defence consider buying Israeli drones.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - A lot of consideration by the Ministry of Defence (Kemenhan) before deciding to buy drones (Unmanned aero vehicle / UAV) made ​​by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI).

The Center for Public Communication Kemenhan Brig Hartind Asrin Israel explained that the work plane can be no doubt the quality. In addition, the sophistication of aircraft technology to stay ahead with the latest innovations. "It's become one of the reasons we bought from Israel," said Hartind, Friday (3/2).

Hartind explain why it does not import Iranian-made aircraft. According to him, Iran's defense industry has not reached the level comparable skills Israel. Because the aircraft and weapons technology Iran mostly obtained by buying from China and Russia. However, due to be disguised, so as if it was purely the work of the Iranian nation's children.

As is happening in Israel, said Hartind, all the Jewish residents of artificial technology. Weapons systems and defense industry is very advanced and way ahead of other Banga technology. "I have proof, but it became the domain of intelligence, can not be opened to the public," said the one-star general who previously active in the Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS) is.

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