Factory Output Across Eurozone Fell in May

By Paul Hannon And Brian Blackstone 
        Factory output across the eurozone fell in May and last rose in February, an indication that its economic recovery remained weak as Greece and its creditors struggled to find ways to keep the heavily indebted country inside the currency area.
        However, there are signs that the European Central Bank's new stimulus program is beginning t o reach the wider economy, with the results of a survey also published Tuesday showing eurozone banks eased standards for loans to companies during the second quarter while demand for business credit rose "substantially."
        The European Union's statistics agency said that production by factories, mines and utilities during May was down 0.4% from April, but up 1.6% from the same month in 2014. Output was unchanged in April and declined in March, so output last rose on the month in February, and remains well below the levels recorded before the 2008 financial crisis, underlining the glacial pace of the eurozone's recovery from that trauma.
        ECB policy makers had hoped that a weakening of the euro in response to a series of new stimulus measures would boost exports and economic growth. Manufacturers are more geared to exports than services providers, but while industrial output did increase slightly in the second half of last year, it has stalled in 2015.
        If the boost to exports hasn't proved as strong as hoped, the ECB's new quantitative easing program can aid the economy in a variety of other ways, for example by restarting bank lending that will help fund long postponed investment by businesses and households.
        According to the ECB's quarterly survey, banks loosened the terms on loans to businesses and for home purchases during the second quarter. In both cases, competition among banks was the main driver of this trend, the ECB noted.
        Meanwhile, "net demand for loans to enterprises increased substantially, owing mainly to the general level of interest rates," the ECB said. "Fixed investment also contributed to an increase in demand. Net demand for housing loans continued to increase substantially owing to the low level of interest rates and to housing market prospects," it said.
        The financial crisis exposed fiscal problems peculiar to the eurozone that persist seven years later, with governments from the currency area Monday agreeing the basis of a third bailout for Greece.
        The report provided some early evidence that Greece's debt crisis hasn't upended the bloc's modest economic upturn. The figures were calculated from a survey of 142 banks in the eurozone that was conducted between June 9 and June 24, a period when tensions between Greece and its creditors was escalating but before they reached a boiling point after Athens called for a referendum on the bailout that was held on July 5. Greek voters strongly rejected the bailout conditions, but the deal struck on Monday contained many of the austerity measures that voters had rebuffed.
        The lending survey "does show that at least before the Greek showdown, bank lending in the eurozone was increasingly supporting the eurozone recovery," said ING Bank economist Teunis Brosens in a research note.
        And in a positive sign for the bloc's recovery, the standards for business loans in France and Italy continued to ease last quarter. These two economies, the second and third biggest in the eurozone, have struggled to expand in recent years leaving Germany as the main driver of economic activity in the region.
        The data from Eurostat showed that industrial production in Greece fell by 5.1% between April and May, a sign that doubts about the country's eurozone future was hurting economic activity. There was also a 6.9% drop in Irish production, although that tends to be highly volatile, and a 5.7% decline in Dutch output. In Germany, output was flat, while France, Italy and Spain all recorded increases.
        With relations between Greece and its creditors at a low ebb, it is still possible that a collapse in the latest bailout agreement could lead to a wider default by Greece on its government debt, and its departure from the eurozone, a development that would likely slow, and possibly derail, the recovery.
        Write to Paul Hannon at paul.hannon@wsj.com and Brian Blackstone at brian.blackstone@wsj.com
        (END) Dow Jones Newswires
        July 14, 2015 06:10 ET (10:10 GMT)


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