Bad stigma society, Forex = Gambling

There are Opinions in society that it is better to invest in the real sector than the non real sector. Because the real sector is fields ' clear ' is seen by the public, such as the sales of products and services.

If you have excess veins, then funds tend to invest in the fields of property, the purchase of a Franchise. If they want to invest in the sector of non-valued, then the stocks and mutual funds more selected from on forex trading. The reason, stocks and mutual funds appear to be ' more real ' than the forex.

Society is more inclined to invest in the real sector than the non real sector. They are more inclined to invest in areas that are clearly visible to the view of the community.For example the sale of products and services. Even if real, non sector stocks and mutual funds more selected from on forex trading. The reason, stocks and mutual funds appear to be ' more real ' than the forex.
But along with the increasing intelligence community investment sure forex trading will be one of the main alternative investment sectors non real other than stock. The magnitude of the return that can be given and the liquidity of the forex trading became one of the hallmarks of this investment sector. Plus, the Government started to play an active role as a regulator of futures trading in the products (like forex. commodity and index).

The fear that the fundamental principle is that of "High Risk High Return" from forex trading and a lack of education on the new investor that was causing the difficulty of no vice investors to predict price movement that ended in losses in investing. Side high return forex trading cause anyone can earn huge profits in just a very short tempo. However as a double-edged sword, if we can gain a considerable profit then any equal risk of loss and is directly proportional to the mastery of the techniques ofthe trade, information and attitudes of investors.

The problem for investors is the beginner most only see the side of a High Return from forex trading where profits could reach 20% of the original capital in just one day but not on the side of High Risk. Plus the existence of some local market forex marketing by accentuating his return merely side without providing information or capabilities of the trade. In the end the losses investors recently formed a stigma of bad people that forex trading is the same as gambling.

Even so there are actually on-site risk management (risk management) prepared by the system in handling a large risk in investing in forex. So, though risky, is not entirely the case. Later I will explain these facilities i.e. "stop loss", "limit", "market order", and"Trailing stop". So, do not forget: High risk but high return. High return but high risk.

However the losses will be more outspoken than experience gains.

The fundamental thing that distinguishes a gambling investment with is although both have an element of speculation, investment has instruments of analysis and predictor of reading the situation ahead. This means that the investment is not just an event element of speculation, speculation should be smaller than the value the certainty of prediction. If not, then it becomes a gambling event where science that used only the science of probability (chance) only.

Forex trading with various indicators of technical analysis and fundamental analysis to predict the movement of foreign exchange rates. So the trend strengthened and weakening a currency can be predicted with analysis-analysis (analysis of >speculation). Another consideration is if it is gambling then surely this investment banned by the Government and Government in other countries. Instead, its existence is strengthened and turnover that occurs even the largest compared with otherExchange products.

To overcome this prepared facilities risk management (risk management) in the system to manage risks in forex investing, such as Stop Loss, Limit and Trailing Distance is useful to limit losses as well as take profit point without having to be kept by the investors themselves.

Many people say the forex transaction the same as gambling. This supposition was further by the existence of several clients started experiencing losses on investment instruments on this one.

Thing so other considerations, supposing it is gambling then surely this investment prohibited its existence by the Government or by any other Government. Instead of his being banned, strengthened and turnover that occurs even the largest compared with other Exchange products.

The existence of a client who suffered losses in the forex market (and many of them were experienced by beginners) lead their assumed forex the same as gambling. In fact the only cause of the loss of their funds is their own! They may know about forex trading but did not prevail against it. Due to a lack of understanding of instruments existing analysis, the potential losses to be larger and that is what happened to them.

There is an old saying that those who know will be defeated by those who understand. Those who understand will be defeated by those in control. Those whomaster it will be defeated by those who love and those who love it will be defeated by those who live up to. I think this applies to forex trading.

This is where the existence of becomes important to lead us as a newbie in entering the world of forex trading. Forex trading is not only a science to be studied, in developed countries, this sector generates a new profession and develop a supporting environment for professional traders. Why? Cause analyse of a movement of the exchange rate need a sufficient knowledge and experience. Could not one day be understood everything! Need time to become a professional in the world of forex.

So my advice, never ever start your own investing in forex if you do not understand the skin. Better if we submit a professional trader (usually called fund manager) if we're not sure yet. This I will discuss more details on other page.Remember, this is a is a profession, it means that there is a principled things that need to be held. What is it? Patient.

Nevertheless, have thought that forex trading is not difficult because it says it is. That is needed is the desire to keep learning and learning. I believe we can become a professional trader.

Regardless of the risks, forex trading is very promising as an investment instrument that can generate a number of huge profits within a short. A trader that I know of,benefit 2000% (twenty percent) of the capital originally when he invested in one of the broker that we recommend. Return On Investment (ROI) of it she acquired instead of an annual period, just one and a half months!

In Indonesia itself the existence of Forex Trading is part of Futures Trading (Commodity Futures) is officially regulated through law No. 32 of 1997 which discuss the Margin Trading. Indeed there are the laws on gambling which is banning gambling activities. While forex trading its existence is governed by law, not banned.

So back to the definition of gambling itself where the factor of speculation became more dominant compared to the analysis, the forex trading can be a gambling(especially for those new to) When You run it in the following ways:

 Do not do analysis of the market price of either technical or fundamental.
 Do it on illegal brokers.
• Not knowing the risk management well.

The third point above can be a guide for you to start investing in forex trading. Ask ourselves each whether brokers where we invest is the official broker? Do we have to know what risk management can be done to avoid the harm? And whether we have been able to analyze price movements with proper (probably is not necessarily right, but at least mostly right)?

If these three things you can skip, then congratulate comes at avery promising investment for your finances! But if you feel you have not been able to get past it, don't be discouraged. If you still need more time to re-learn, it's better than getting started faster but resulted in losses.

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