Bombing Agrabah Aladdin?

© Provided by The Hill
Poll: 30 percent of Republicans want to bomb country from ‘Aladdin’ - Thirty percent of Republican primary voters say the national security threat posed by the nation of Agrabah demands U.S. military intervention, according to a new poll released on Thursday.

Public Policy Polling, a left-leaning firm, also found that supporters of GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump were more likely to favor bombing the made-up Arabian nation from the 1992 animated film "Aladdin."

Trump won 45 percent support among those who advocated the bombing of Agrabah, compared to just 22 percent support from those who opposed it.

Thirteen percent of Republicans said they opposed bombing the country.

A plurality of Democrats, 36 percent, also opposed the measure, compared to 19 percent who said they support it.

Several GOP presidential candidates have been calling for aggressive military campaigns against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

A favorite campaign line of Trump's is that he would "bomb the shit" out of ISIS, whle Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has spoken of making the sand "glow" with a bombing campaign.

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