New SIDS Study

New SIDS study: Scientist reveal three key factors that increase an infant risk - A new SIDS [sudden infant death syndrome] study released this week revealed that there more to preventing SIDS than just creating a safe sleeping arrangement for your newborn. According to the report released by Life Science on Wednesday, a safe sleeping environment is only a small factor in preventing SIDS in newborns.

The infant death rates have dramatically dropped since 1992 when the AAP [America Academy of Pediatrics] launched a campaign to place infants on their back to sleep, instead of the tummy. The report found that sometimes no matter what the parent does, the baby may still die from SIDS.

The new SIDS study found that there are three main factors that place an infant in high risk for SIDS. Some infant may have a predisposition to SIDS. Research indicated that the parents may not know their child has such disposition until it’s too late. Another risk factor was an infant that were in a development growth stage, particularly children under the age of four months. The last risk factor was sleeping arrangement for the newborn.

The research found that boys and premature babies had a much higher risk for SIDS than girls and full-term babies. Babies whose mother’s drank or smoked during the pregnancy had an elevated risk for SIDS. The new SIDS study revealed that if the mother breastfeeds her infant, it lowers the risk significantly.

The researchers looked at the SIDS rates between 1992-2012 and found infant mortality rates increased around 1994 when the AAP launched the ‘Back to Sleep’ campaign nationally. SIDS researcher, Dr. Rachel Moon stated, “If we are to further impact infant mortality rates and eliminate SIDS, focus on the sleep environment will continue to be important, but will be insufficient. Public health efforts will need to also focus on decreasing intrinsic risk through the promotion of smoking cessation, elimination of in utero drug and alcohol exposure and increasing the rates of breastfeeding and access to high-quality prenatal care.”

According to the new SIDS study, we must look at all risk factors, not just the sleep environment to reduce the rate of infant loss to SIDS. Tell Examiner what you think about the New SIDS study in the comments below.

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