UK EU Proposals, EU's Plan To Keep UK

Draft EU deal delivers reforms - PM - David Cameron has said a draft deal on his reform demands delivers the "substantial change" he wants to see to the UK's relationship with the EU.

But the UK prime minister said there was "detail to be worked on" before a crunch summit on 18-19 February.

The deal, published by European Council President Donald Tusk, allows for an "emergency brake" on migrant benefits.

The BBC's Norman Smith said the document was hugely controversial and would be resisted by the PM's critics.

What's in the draft deal
Mr Cameron's proposed four year ban on in-work benefits for EU migrant workers could come into force immediately after the UK votes to remain in the Union.

But it would have to be agreed by other EU nations and it would be "graduated", with more money from tax credits paid to migrants the longer they remain in the UK.

It says Mr Cameron's demand to exempt Britain from the EU principle of "ever closer union" between member states would be written into a future treaty.

There are also measures relating to protection for non-euro countries in the EU, a new way for member states to club together to block some new EU laws and on business regulations.

Did Cameron get change in the four areas he wanted?
Migration: The prime minister got his emergency welfare brake. But it is not clear how easy it will be to pull that brake or how long it will last, says the BBC's James Landale.

Benefits: While the in-work benefits of EU migrants will be curbed for four years if other countries agree, they will be gradually restored the longer they stay in the UK. EU migrants will be able to send child benefit back home, but would get a lower level if the cost of living in the country where the child is is lower. Mr Cameron had wanted to block all of it.

Sovereignty: The PM has secured a clear legal statement that the UK is not committed to further political integration and that the phrase "ever closer union" cannot be used to integrate the EU further. But it is not yet clear when or how this will be incorporated into the EU treaties. He has also got new powers for national parliaments to block new EU laws but the thresholds are pretty high before those powers can be used.

Competitiveness: The PM has got some language that commits the EU to strengthen the internal market and cut red tape. But they have been promising to do that for years.

Protecting non-euro countries: There will be a new mechanism to get the eurozone to think again about decisions that could hit the City of London.

Security: The PM has got some unexpected gains, making it easier for countries to stop terror suspects coming into the country even if the threat they pose is not imminent. There will also be a crackdown to stop people using sham marriages and other loopholes to gain access to the EU.

What happens now
Mr Cameron will visit Poland and Denmark on Friday, as he embarks on a whirlwind charm offensive to persuade the other 27 EU leaders to sign up to the Tusk package in Brussels on February 18-19.

If Mr Cameron can get an agreement in February, he is expected to hold a referendum in June on whether Britain should remain in the EU.

If he can't, there will be a second chance in March. Mr Tusk could even call an emergency meeting before the scheduled summit, in order to preserve some chance of a referendum before the summer.

Mr Cameron has until the end of 2017 to hold a referendum. A July or September referendum remains a possibility but a repeat of last summer's migrant crisis in the Mediterranean and eastern Europe could make Mr Cameron's job of making the case for remaining in a reformed EU more difficult.

A cross-party group of MPs, led by the SNP, has warned Mr Cameron against holding the EU referendum in June, arguing it will be too close to elections in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, London and local authorities.

What David Cameron said about the deal
The prime minister said "more work" needed to be done to "nail down" details but added: "We said we needed to deliver in four key areas, this document shows real progress on that front."

What those who want the UK to leave the EU say
Richard Tice, co-founder of Leave.Eu, accused Mr Cameron of "trying to deceive the British people by saying that there's substantial change - there is nothing except a restatement of the existing status quo".

Donald Tusk's reaction
Mr Tusk said the package was "a good basis for a compromise", adding that "there are still challenging negotiations ahead - nothing is agreed until everything is agreed".

BBC assistant political editor Norman Smith on the draft dealAnalysis by BBC Deputy Political Editor James Landale
David Cameron has secured a package of draft reforms that, if agreed, will allow him to argue that Britain should remain in the European Union.

But the prime minister has by no means achieved all his aims.

If this draft document, which the government says would be legally binding, is agreed, Mr Cameron will argue in a referendum that Britain's relationship with the EU has genuinely changed.

His critics will say - and are saying - that the changes do not amount to a hill of beans. But before he makes the case to the British people, the prime minister now has 27 other countries to convince.

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