Curt Schilling Controversial Comments

© Jim Davis/The Boston Globe via Getty Images
Schilling: No surprise if ESPN fires him for Clinton remarks - Curt Schilling is waiting to hear if he will face disciplinary action from ESPN over his recent comments about Hillary Clinton, but he expects to receive the maximum punishment if there is any.

Schilling discussed his remarks with a fan on his Facebook page Wednesday night, and he said he was surprised that so many people cared about his opinion. When the person he was speaking with suggested ESPN might suspend him 90 days, Schilling said he anticipates being fired if the network takes any action.

As many of you have heard, Schilling said Clinton should be “buried under a jail somewhere.” You can read his full rant here.

ESPN has already gone down the road of suspending Schilling after the former MLB star sent these tweets about Muslims. He could be right about possibly losing his job this time around.

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