Splash Mountain 'Angry' Woman, Photo Makes A Splash

Woman takes 'angry' Splash Mountain photo after husband refuses to ride - A woman expressed her discontent with her husband by making an angry face in her Splash Mountain ride photo.

The photo of Jordan Alexander went viral after her husband Steve shared it on his imgur account where it was viewed more than two million times.

"Wife got a little perturbed that I wouldn't accompany her on the ride," he wrote.

Steve promised to ride Splash Mountain, which Jordan told Inside Edition was her favorite ride, before backing out at the last second. She then decided to create a souvenir of the moment by taking her angry photograph.

"I thought it would kind of be funny if my husband had a memento of how mad he made me," she said. "I practiced my face the whole ride. I wanted to get it right but I didn't have a mirror, so I just had to frown my brow, make a face, and just hope for the best."

The couple assured that the angry photo was meant to be playful and stated that humor has played an important role throughout their relationship.

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