The world's smallest animals from Papua New Guinea

Louisiana - His voice is louder than the hum of insects, but this frog has a body size smaller than a coin. The researchers found two frogs are in the depths of the rain forests of Papua New Guinea.

 The smallest species of frog called latin Paedophryne amauensis and Padophryne swiftorum, also believed to be the smallest vertebrate animals on Earth. As reported by ABC Science, Thursday (12/01/2012), the research report was published in the scientific journal PLoS ONE.

 Until now the world's smallest vertebrate titles held by the transparent fish from Indonesia, the Latin name Pedocypris progenetica with approximately eight millimeters in size. While the largest vertebrate animals today is the blue whale measuring 25.8 meters.

 Frogs from the rainforests of Papua New Guinea, Paedophryne amauensis measuring 7.7 millimeters, while Paedophryne swiftorum measuring approximately 8 milimater more.

 "Because of its tiny size and species of male mating calls are high pitched, very difficult to find Paedophryne amauensis," said Chris Austin, scientists from Louisiana State University who discovered the frog.

 "Now we believe that the creature was not just a biological oddity, but represents an ecological group that has never documented. They occupy habitats that never occupied other vertebrates," he added.

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