How Strange, Animal Reproduce by Stabbing Himself in The Head

Many animals and plants is able to reproduce itself, but to hear how flatworms types hystrix Macrostomum breed, you are definitely going to surprise and can not believe it.

How not, the worms reproduce with his head fuck yourself! M hystrix similar organ thrust his penis to the head and depositing sperm in there. Sperm then migrate to the central regions of the body at the center of reproduction, and fertilize the egg.

Steven A Ramm, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Basel, along with three colleagues uncover the strange behavior of worms M hystrix that after studying the distribution of semen in the body of the animal.

When observing the distribution of sperm M hystrix conditioned living alone, Ramm revealed that sperm collected in the front part of the body, including the head. It indicates that the animal was accidentally stabbed his stylet to his own head.

While the M hystrix who live in a group, sperm collected in the rear or tail. It shows that when mating with another individual, sperm insemination performed on the tail.

This study gives an overview of reproductive strategies M hystrix. When there are those who are invited mating, the animals will look for mates. However, when alone, the animal will marry herself. Remember, M hystrix is ​​a hermaphrodite, had male and female.

How to marry M hystrix was unique. Do not imagine that this animal had a vagina like a human. When mating, the male individual who acts as a stylet will thrust her into certain parts of the female body. Imagined it pain?

Deposited sperm seem very painful in the human point of view it makes scientists have a special term for marriage M hystrix and other animals that perform the same way, traumatic insemination.

Source: Kompas


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