4. The mechanics and legality of Forex

Another factor is the issue of legality. Just imagine in a forex investment. You have invested in forex and generate hundreds of percent profit from forex trading you.Then it's time to withdraw your money. And it turns out the company you invest is the forex companies escape and belongs to the illegal companies. Well up here, ending a dream already enjoy a profit of hundreds of percent.

On forex beginner and those who work directly in it tend to prefer viewing platform is presented or the regulation of trading in favor of consumers. But I tell you: a great Platform and regulations favoring consumer does not guarantee your Broker to invest legally!

So, read this article is fine if you do not want to enter the trap Forex Scammer!

As is the case in a trade sale and normally, any forex trading basically requires both sides i.e. buyers and sellers. But here's the difference, buyers and sellers never make physical meetings directly and never happened handover physically as well. Everything is done in the form of the agreement and is mediated by arbitrage institutions commonly referred to as Brokers/Broker.

Task-Broker/brokerage firm is to become the kind of transaction that gatherer is done by retail investors under it and then passed on to the market or the stock exchange.The stock exchange here is the meeting place between the seller and the buyer in the transaction. Other languages is the market. And if the market Indonesia o is equal to the market. So the stock market, where indeed is the merging of the seller and the buyer.

The difference with conventional market exchanges is in stock it is usually not the casein retail buying and selling individual but usually in akumulate and then in the execution.

Well, If the words of an investor, let's just say his name is Amir, sees the opportunity that the currency GBP (remember, it is the GBP Great Britain pounds sterling or United Kingdom currency) will strengthen against the U.s. Dollar. Then of course as a good and investors looking for profits he bought GBP according the calculations and then stored until the time the GBP strengthened then Amir will resell it.

Let's say Amir buy as much as 10,000 pounds. 10,000 units in forex usually called 1 lot.So all transactions are counted in units of lots. 1 lot 2 lot 3 lot, and so on. 2 lots Yes means 20,000 currency (depending currency bought/sold). So in forex transactions, we do not know the purchase of as many as 15,000 Pounds for example because the numbers are odd numbers aka 1.5 lots. And 1.5 of lot are not known in the world of forex.

To Transact the purchase GBP, Amir make purchases through a broker where he invested. Any order made. And bim salabim ... with a click on the platform forex, Amir just do action purchase 10,000 pounds sterling United Kingdom.

As easy as that. But it appears the question for those of us who lay: what really happens when Amir made a purchase through trading forex platform?

Well, the answer is within a fraction of a second is essentially a transaction has taken place under account Amir where he buys 1 lot pounds (do not ask me again what is a lot! I've described above.

Then who is selling GBP to Amir. Well in this case while the transaction occurs between the Amir with broker. Brokers hold all the orders done Amir and colleagues of other investors investing through the same broker. So for a while the transaction occurs between the Amir and broker.

But as I write above, such transactions occur for a while only. The next broker will forward all orders made by customers to higher institutions above i.e. exchanges or other big banks. Investors require brokerage firms because investors cannot directly access the bursa or big banks.

Well, the stock exchange basically as I have mentioned before, is a meeting place between sellers and buyers of the major parties. The perpetrators were mostly big banks, brokers-brokers or other financial institutions as well as the big boys. About what that big boys, will be discussed in the module "Fox Hunting" and not here.

In all such transactions reunited total lot purchase and sale. A total of forex transactions (spot, forward, swap) is actually quite massive: reach 2.4 Trillion Us dollars per day for the whole world. Yes suffice to finance the NATIONAL BUDGET Indonesia a few years:).

With a total market of this size, the brokerage firm places Amir Transact can forward the order of Amir. So, brokers get what is needed by him and so does Amir. All that thanks to a mechanism that is called Exchange. While the Amir, he did not take a giddy with the forwarding order by his brokerage firm. He's just enough to know thatin a split second, the order has been satisfied by the Broker and then Amir just wait for price moves up appropriate predictions. If prices rise, o Amir will experience an advantage. If it turns out that prices move opposite, yes of course Amir loss. Pity him if the loss ...

Well, that's what forex trading mechanisms in the everyday world. Here there are many exchanges. In Indonesia, trading in regulated by by PT BBJ (Jakarta Futures Exchange). America has the NYBOT, London has the FTSE (pronounced"Footsie") and Japan have Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM).

Keep in mind here, the forex market although there are stock exchanges in different countries but not only the centralised in the stock exchanges such as the stock market. If in stock, say stocks Telkom (TLKM code) can only be traded on the Exchange, which was where the shares are listed on the JSE and NYSE (excellent alsoTelkom can on the NYSE J), then in the market forex system is not so, the forex market is open not closed market like shares can only be traded in the stock exchange. Everyone can trade currencies, all those using money in the transaction.You do the currency Rupiah with Dollars also includes part of the forex market. Where there are differences in the exchange rate difference, then there is speculation and investment occurs.

"Up here, obviously the children?"

If I hear the words: "Yes teachers ...."?

The legality
Well now we enter in the matter of legality. Something that is often overlooked by the novice forex.

In an investment problem of legality is one of the central parts of the play. Reaches an investment company usually also convened a Community Fund. This is particularly crucial in the event of fraud or the problem of nonpayment by the company to its customers.

Well that's why it is necessary for an agency of government regulators who over see the activities of investment companies like this. Banking has BI (Bank Indonesia) as their regulator. While the insurance company is regulated by the Directorate of Insurance under the Ministry of finance, securities firms have Bappepam as a regulator.

Then how about Forex?

Forex belongs to the Futures Exchange. Namely investment derivatives (derivatives) of stock investment products and his friends. At first this is prefaced by derivative products trading and commodity index. Then later grow new members namely foreign exchange trading forex called.

Ah, it's already explained in a previous module: "the structure of investment in Indonesia". Please read the article again.

Because it is no longer classified as investment securities, the forex trading regulation own institutions also have joint trade index and the commodity is his twin brother.

Then who?

In Indonesia, the regulator who oversees the activities of the broker under the authority Bappebti (Badan Trustees futures trading and commodities), JFX (Jakarta Futures Exchange) and the HOUSE (the Futures Clearing Indonesia). In the United States who are the pioneers trading margin trading, regulatory authority exists under the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Comission) and NFA (National Futures Association).

The CFTC and the NFA can be said to be a role model for other regulators-regulators in each country. The broker is regulated under them should follow strict regulations and selected with strict anyway. That's why an international brokerage firm that became a member of the NFA and the CFTC was so elated at the heart with their membership status.

American law forbids its citizens to invest on a brokerage firm that is regulated under both not this institution. Even brokerage firms that are not members of the CFTC and the NFA prohibit any US citizen open a forex account through them. Yes it's known, superpower. Anything can be done. Cheating ... How Delish Indonesia citizens if we get the same protection.

Well, until here I think there's a little enlightenment for those of you who are completely blind to the issue of legality. One thing is certain: never open an account forex broker that was regulated not under government institutions anywhere. The permit PT alone is not enough to set up a brokerage firm! So do not easily tempted by good platform and regulations as though profitable customer but when asked their company permits only answered that permission is being taken care of or even say they have the permission of the company. Remember, being taken care means you don't have permission!

Even don't believe sweet promises with direct energy marketer company your broker.Their task is indeed right to convey what's good. Yes his name is also marketing. If a less good huh well kept for himself only hihihi ...

Well now appears a question, is there a brokerage firm who did not have a permit to illegal brokers aka regulator?

There are.

A lot!

Yes, a lot. Both domestic and foreign brokers. The name alone is already illegal. So it was not the intention of doing business but it is deceptive. Remember why, that business is not a scam. There is no fraudulent activities which could be lasting. But there is a saying that says that Chinese businesses are classified lasting if he could already stand for three generations. I have never heard there was a deceptive activities lasting for three generations.

These illegal brokerage companies have many ways to seduce people to invest through them. Yes, of course there was no investment results aka fraud. They usually wear promises sweet spices so impressed makes sense. Some promise them like this:

"get the advantage of up to $ 1000 within a week"

"We guarantee your investment profit is 30-40% a month"

"However the State of the market either up or down, you still get a profit!"

"We promise to refund any loss that may occur from your investments."

Well, is it too good to be true? Too good to believe? Come on United Kingdom language learning a little ...

Even don't trust even if they come with their transaction history that looks uphill from the bottom left towards the upper right to persuade You infuse your funds at the company.

Guess what, I can also make history like that. Just need a little touch of the computer or with Photoshop and then ... There it all miraculously. We will never know that it's true or not.

Well let me make some suspicious signs that you need to beware of before embedding your funds in a brokerage firm:

1. any Suspect investment scheme that is too good to believe.

The bad news is forex is not a get rich quick scheme. Forex is the same as any other business. It requires perseverance and hard work of the investors to come forward.

2. avoid companies that promise huge profits for the funds you invest.

Yes, I have already explained this a bit above. All the comments above are issued broker you need to suspect.

3. avoid companies that promise no risk at all in forex trading through them.

This is the biggest bullshit I've ever heard. Bah! Even selling out in any market there is a risk of losing especially with forex investment? We are yet to discuss about forex trading risk here, but just think Cook-Cook: what is a business that is not at risk? Even across the street any time there is a risk.

For those of you who think the investment without risks I say: don't dream of noon! Wake up! If you want to be successful there is no way a substitute for diligence and hard work. Hard work to determine the investment policies. The hard work to determine the right timing. Hard work for the analysis of capital and risk management. What they do not need to be considered?

4. don't do margin trading unless you know what that means.

Margin trading is like a magnifying glass. He was useful to enlarge your profit opportunity. But he can also increase your loss. So, watch out! Once again, learn at least risk in forex before you embark on an investment.

5. Question those who claim that their trade through the "Interbank Market"

Some brokerage firms claim that they forward the transactions to its customers through the interbank market so that they can get better prices for themselves so no need to overload its customers with transaction costs and other expenses.

Interbank Market is usually used by world class banks for loan granting process and submission between the banking institution. Interbank Market does not involve small banks let alone brokerage firm that assets "onlyhundreds of millions of dollars.Well, something is overrated when a broker who is not named said they have access to that folder.

6. be careful for each payment processing via the internet and does not involve the inter-bank transfers.

Some brokerage firms opening ease payments via e-gold, pay pall and a myriad of other payment methods. Instead of not believing, but often the customer forgot to view information beneficiary (recipient) Fund due to payment method already downloaded before cancellation is easy and just click and then finish. After they click they usually just remembered where those funds are transferred or passing what and where the recipient's address. Yes it's too late anyway. Many brokerage firms as it is not a member of the NFA and the CFTC.

7. Usually the illegal brokerage market promotion to developing countries or particular ethnic.

Psychologically it is easy to understand. The lack of knowledge that the various moneyed in countries such as Indonesia to make fraudulent action becomes easier (duh ... the fate of the citizens of the developing world so yes put it this way). Well that's why created this website sale-forex.com. One of the Mission's Yes into a means of education for all enthusiasts of forex. Arise my people but mine own country, do not want to be duped by anyone including those who claims to be from abroad. They both eat rice (UH wrong ... eat bread), so why would they think that it's more clever? 

8. Make sure you know the track record of the company in which you invest.

Now however, a track record that speaks. It is a testament to the dedication and the work of the brokerage firm. So do not be lied to. If they don't even want to tell their track record or background the company, leave it and seek other investment place.

9. find a third opinion from those who never invest there

It's easy-easily distress. Sometimes many feet hands illegal brokers strive to convey a positive campaign on the forum-independent forum for reached their position. Dare to explore. Again start with the opinion of the too good to be true is not true. Suspect those who commented too positive in order to filter out all of the information.

10. Contact Your investment advisor before investing

Well, if you are still in doubt, contact those who understand more about trading forex trading and ask Your Fund security if invested in a company that you want to select.