Markit: half the citizens of the United Kingdom had anticipated Rate Hike In six months

About half of society United Kingdom estimate the Bank of England to raise interest rates within six months ahead, rose sharply since July, although they were more pessimistic about their financial situation, according to the survey results Wednesday.Household Finance monthly Index from Markit, showed 48% of the estimated community BoE will raise rates in the next six months, the highest figure since July2001 and up from 34 percent last month. Economists predict a rise in interest rates the first time next year as the economy of the United Kingdom shows a slight slowdown signals.

However, the society United Kingdom feel most optimistic about their financial conditions so far in the year 2015, all over the majority of the sector real. They are more pessimistic about the prospects in the next 12 months than in July. Markit said the survey showed improving consumer sentiment is a result of the decline in inflation has started to disappear. According to one economist, Markitimproving economic fundamentals and rising revenue ride will gradually push the financial condition of the community until the end of this year.

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