Mutual shootout, North and South Korea Escalates

South Korea fired artillery shells at a series of North Korea returned fire from North Korea to protest anti-Pyongyang propaganda broadcasts by Seoul, a move which increases the tension on the Korean peninsula. Parties Washington urged Pyongyang to halt "provocative" any post first firefight between the two countries since last October. Both sides said there were no casualties or damage in their area. North Korea did not reply to the attack, but warned Seoul in a letter that it would take military action if South Korea does not stop the broadcast along the border in 48 years, according to South Korea's defense minister.

In a separate letter, Pyongyang said it was willing to resolve the issue despite having regard to the broadcast is a declaration of war, according to South Korean Unification Minister. The young leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, will put his troops in a state of "full arsenal of war" began Friday afternoon and has declared a state of "war alert" on the front line, according to KCNA news agency reported from Pyongyang.
One South Korean military officials said the broadcast will continue. Seoul began broadcasting anti-North Korean propaganda using the loudspeaker on the border on 10 August, continued the tactics of both parties have been discontinued in 2004. The South Korea says North Korea has launch an anti-aircraft bullet followed by more on Thursday. South Korea's military, which said it had recovered back artillery shells as respon, raising the status of watchfulness to the highest level.

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