The Israeli army has aggressively capture Palestinian boy

Some photos and a video of an armed Israeli soldiers who were trying to arrest a 11-year-old Palestinian boy who broke her arm in the West Bank widely circulated on social media last weekend.

These photos show soldiers were headlock boy, while the number of women draw backs of the soldiers. The woman was trying to free the boy.

A fight took place in a weekly protest on Friday (08/28/2015) then held Palestinian activists associated with the construction of settlements in Nabi Saleh village in the West Bank.

Video footage taken by the boy's own father, Bassem Tamimi. So says the father told CNN. Tamini said his family regularly record the demonstration and posting the footage on a site called Solidarity Nabi Saleh.

The video, a clip edited from a longer recording, has had almost 3 million views on Sunday.

"It is hard for any father or mother see their son or daughter to be treated like that, attacked the rough," said Tamimi.

In the video, the daughter of Bassem Tamimi, A'hed, visible bite the soldier's right hand in an attempt to free his brother. A'hed has appeared in a previous video that captured the family and posted in cyberspace. Two years ago, a video posted in cyberspace showing him express his anger against an Israeli soldier. The soldier reacted by continuing to walk.

Tamimi said he documented all protests to record the conflict there and gather what he says is evidence of Israeli violations.

Military action justified

The Israeli military troops defended the action by saying that the people in the crowd had thrown stones at soldiers. "The officers decided to detain one of the Palestinians who were identified have been throwing stones," said an Israeli army spokesman told CNN.

The military says the commander at the scene to stop the arrest in order to avoid escalation of the situation.

Tamimi told CNN that his wife and daughter tried to free his son and clashed with the army, as shown in the video.

Some residents of Nabi Saleh have been protesting over the years related to the Israeli settlement policy. Sometimes the protests turned violent when Palestinian youths throwing stones and Israeli troops firing tear gas and rubber bullets.

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