Report: Man dies aboard Aer Lingus flight after biting

© Peter Morrison, Associated Press
Man dies aboard Aer Lingus flight after biting passenger - In  an  bizarre incident Sunday,  an  man  exactly who   feel  "running amok"  from   a  Aer Lingus flight  through  Lisbon, Portugal  to be able to  Dublin, Ireland died aboard  your  plane.

According  on the  Irish Mirror,  your  man  \'m  acting violent  for the  flight  ALONG WITH   tried   in order to  bite  at least   solitary  fellow passenger.  a great  pilot told controllers  the  man had "injured  one   or   a couple of  passengers," according  towards  paper.

The man  are  reportedly restrained  via  crew members but fell unconscious,  IN ADDITION TO   was  later declared dead.

The plane  am   forced to  make  an  emergency landing  in  Cork, Ireland.  your current  Mirror says  many  168 passengers  AND  crew members were  accepted  off  your current  flight.  at least   solitary  passenger  am   acknowledged   to be able to   the  local hospital  AND ALSO  treated  regarding  injuries.


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