10 endangered species

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has set 10 endangered species that require priority attention and treatment of all parties. Not just loved, the species and other wildlife should be protected, should not be hunted or killed and not tampered with the habitats in which they live. What species?
1. Snow leopard's tail number is estimated to reach 6,000 spread across 12 countries. But the numbers continue to decrease due to be hunted for the fur fashion industry raw materials. Global warming also affects the habitat they live. Snow leopard is a beautiful animal and has a cruising area. (Andy Rouse / WWF / Yahoo! News)
2. Mountain gorilla became known on October 17, 1902. They are the primates who have high intelligence, living in hilly or mountainous regions of tropical-subtropical rain forest in Africa. They live in groups with adult males of the oldest and powerful as its leader. Although a large gorilla is a shy animal. Threatened because their populations are often hunted human beings and illegal logging. (Martin Harvey / WWF / Yahoo! News)

3. Atlantic bluefin tuna could arguably be considered a rare species. Its population is threatened due to overfishing by several countries, one of them Japanese. If the consumption of tuna and tuna fishing is not restricted, they will disappear from the ocean. (WWF / Yahoo! News)

4. The number of tigers in the world live 3200 tail, the most widely spread in Southeast Asia, India and Russia. But over the last 100 years, 97 percent of the population of tigers has disappeared because of hunting by humans and deforestation. Java and Bali tiger tiger is an example of an extinct tiger. The tiger is the largest cat on earth, they hunt alone (not in groups) and live in lowland / hill in the forest
5. This is a picture of Vaquita animal, a type of dolphin but has a smaller size and snout is not long. Vaquita live in the bay area of ​​California and Mexico. Its existence is threatened with extinction due to fishing nets and waste pollution in the coastal areas. (Eugene Lee / WWF / Yahoo! News)

 6. Turtle is one of the animals that have lived for hundreds of millions of years. But its existence can live several years. In Sumatra, Bali and several regions in Indonesia society consume turtle eggs and meat is used as skewers. (Carlos Drews / WWF / Yahoo! News)

7. River dolphins are also threatened with extinction. The dolphins that live in the Mekong River and the Philippines Malampaya River is nearly extinct because of pollution and waste fishing nets. (David Dove / WWF / Yahoo! News)

8. Sumatran orangutan is one of two species of orang-utans in the world. His brother Borneo orangutans are also threatened with extinction. Sumatran orangutans have brown hair, while the orangutans of Borneo reddish brown hair. Deforestation for palm oil plantations and paper industry as well as mass murder became a serious threat to orang-utans. (Fletcher and Bayliss / WWF Indonesia / Yahoo! News)

9. There are two species of elephants in the world, Asian elephants and African elephants. The picture on the side is the Asian elephant is endangered because the forests where they feed and breed continues to be cleared. Not only that conflicts with humans are also a major factor in decreasing the number of Asian elephants. In Sumatra, many elephants die of poisoned residents. (David Lawson / WWF UK / Yahoo! News)

10. The Javan rhino is the smallest in the world. Javan rhino has one horn and live in Ujung Kulon, Banten. The amount is estimated to only tens of tail. (Greater Mekong / WWF / Yahoo! News)


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