1001 Benefits of Bananas For the Body

Ghiboo.com - Fruits are easily found in these tropical climates, not only does it taste delicious, but it also saves a lot of benefit to health.

Bananas at an affordable price, is always a choice of fruit required in the home for most families. No wonder, fruit is also consumed by some people as a diet.

Let you not curious, here are some benefits of bananas are good for your body.

Natural Source of Potassium
With the amount of potassium, or potassium, is high, bananas help maintain electrolyte balance in body cells. High potassium in the body can help reduce the risk of stroke. The low sodium content in bananas, are also safe for people with low blood pressure.

Many Vitamins and Minerals
Large banana contains a high vitamin A, which is good for the development of optical networks in your eyes. Vitamin A is also important for healthy skin and bone growth.

Bananas also contain vitamin B6 which helps regulate blood sugar levels. Vitamin B12 and B6, along with potassium and magnesium also help addicts, for restoring lung function from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Containing Fibers
Bananas are an option for those who suffer from constipation and beneficial for cleansing the colon, because it contains high fiber. This is what helps restore regular bowel movements. Bananas are also good for people with ulcers consumed / ulcers, because it is easily digested and has a neutral acidity properties.

Mood Booster
When I'm bad mood, you may prefer to eat banana than chocolate or ice cream. Bananas can raise your mood, because it triggers the production of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for improving your mood, relax you and make you in a much calmer state.

Natural antacid
Bananas contain a natural antacid, which helps reduce gastric acidity, in order to reduce heartburn and indigestion. So be sure to choose a banana for dessert to maintain the health of your stomach.

(Various sources)

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