How to find out when your partner is lying

He said he would go with her friends, but one of his friends call home to ask how she was. Is he lying? How do you know your partner is lying or not?
If suspicious of their speech which signifies a confusing message, then it's time to look for other signs. The most obvious sign is the language of your partner's body.
Richard Newman, a researcher of body language, shared tips on how to detect lies.
After research in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) he trained more than 6,500 people from 29 countries that successfully use body language and how to read these markers in daily life.
"The best way to uncover whether someone is lying or not is to notice the awkwardness and unfamiliarity," said Newman.
"In addition to tools that can detect lies, which must be considered is the existence of signs of stress, anxiety, and depressed."
He suggests you should set a good sound before starting the investigation. "Make sure it fit the facts," says Newman. "Do not just talk about the nature accuse, make you ask people who want to feel comfortable first."
Newman believes it will help identify significant changes in their appearance.
Once you make them comfortable and quiet, then there are signs that you should look for:
Blinking. Eye movements which can mean a lot as a sign that can be trusted to know the lie. The average person blinks once every 10 seconds, so if he blinks too often, there are many possibilities that he was thinking (maybe lie) quickly.
The touch of the hand in the face. The higher level of hand gestures around the face, the higher the level of anxiety. "We are naturally designed to prove the truth," said Newman. So, any way that made his hands to cover her face, shows the person is trying to cover up lies.
Suddenly quiet or tense. The opposite of his eyes are staring, blank stares response shows also dishonest. It was common for a liar who made a special effort for not a lot of moving their eyes to make it look convincing.
You may be suspicious if someone looked very nervous and think that they are lying, but it is a common attitude. Something unusual is to talk with someone who looks like a statue.
Do not approach someone when they are busy, too easy for them to hide their reactions and body language to cover when they're busy doing the work.
Instructions will not turn you into a lie detector. But by reading the person's body language, at least you can get some reassurance when you're feeling suspicious.

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