Signs of Men Have "Bad" Sperm, Sydney: What types of your spouse? Smart, rich, or handsome. All that is fine for those who want to live the life of households. But you should notice the kind of man who according to experts, had higher levels of sperm that is not qualified.
Page, Monday (9 / 1) released some findings of the experts regarding the men who produce low sperm count. Whatever their type, the following:
1. Men voiced strongBy nature, women are very attracted to men as a symbol of virility voiced macho man. But apparently, according to new research from the University of Western Australia found that low-voiced men have reduced the concentration of sperm in ejaculate. "The relationship may be due to testosterone, which deepens the male voice, also suppress sperm production when the noise level high," says lead researcher Leigh Simmons, Ph.D., a professor of evolutionary biology in Western Australia.
2. A longer index finger ring fingerA study published in the British Journal of Cancer found that men have a longer index finger than ring finger, as much as 33 percent more likely to get prostate cancer. "It turned out that people who have a longer index finger, will be more likely exposed to testosterone while they are still in the womb," researchers said.
3. Reddish color of the nail"A healthy nails are usually smooth and clean, but if there is redness under the nail could be it as a sign of collagen vascular diseases such as lupus," says Neil Sadick, MD, clinical professor of dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College. "It gives you the inflammation of blood vessels, and which could indicate a problem in blood vessels is reddish or under the nail itself," he added.
4. Earlobe wrinklesDiagonal crease in your ear may be a sign of potential cardiovascular problems. According to a study from the University of Chicago, the researchers found that participants with no creases coronary artery disease earlier, almost eight times more likely to experience cardiac events. "The ear can provide health warnings reflective because of the similarity between the blood vessels that supply the ear and heart," said the researchers speculate. Or it could be crumpled condition was probably just a result of aging.
5. Sense of smellThe inability to identify the smell can be a warning sign of Parkinson's disease. A study led by the Institute for Neurodegenerative Disorders and the University of Pennsylvania found that when given a small test, patients with Parkinson's precisely identify only half of the odor presented. An additional study in the Annals of Neurology found that impaired olfaction may precede Parkinson's about 4 years.
6. Hair LossAlthough bald is natural, it can also be a clue to more serious conditions. "Hair loss can be a sign of thyroid disease or thyroid cancer," says Sadick. "If you have an overactive thyroid, or thyroid is not functioning properly, you can get hair loss as a presenting sign of it." he added.
The signs are the result of research and speculation from experts. Therefore, as a precaution, it helps you live a healthy lifestyle as a separate solution in getting mighty sperm. (MEL)

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