This is what Determine Your Hair Curly Or Not

The uniqueness of this type of hair could not be separated from what's behind our scalp. If you only just hear, "gene" when asked, "Why is my hair curly?", The explanation below explains what determines your hair to be curly or not.
The gene is the right answer though is too broad. Actually, hair glands behind the scalp is you who determines your hair to be curly or straight form. Andrew Thompson, author of "Why Skies are Blue and Parrots Talk: Answers to the Questions You've Always Wanted to Ask", explained, the shape of an oval glandular hairs cause your hair to be curly look. While the shape of the hair glands round will make your hair grow straight.
Glandular hairs with this unique form of structure within the fibers, which provide genetic information into the pipe on the scalp and will determine what kind of hair texture that will grow.
One of the unsolved mysteries in the world of science is the number of cases of birth of people with curly hair texture changed dramatically when he stepped on an adult; from curly to straight, or vice versa.
Hypothesis instant released endocrinological University of Bradford, England, Dr. Val Randall via NPR states that could be the hormones that make you change your hair texture, but he has not been proved directly. "Logically, you have hair at the age of 10 years is different with your hair at the age of 2 years. So even when he was 50 years later, "he said.
The survey made by scientists about changes in hair texture is still ongoing. Dr. Zoe Draeolos, dermatological High Point, United States stated, "We have ongoing research projects worth millions of dollars in a matter of changes in hair texture. Because this research could have been able to generate billions of dollars. "
Question about hair texture has resulted in temporary conclusion: when your hair grows glands with different shapes, then most likely your hair texture will change.

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