Traditional Chinese Medicine Can Accelerate Pregnancy? - Traditional Chinese Medicine has long been able to relieve pain and treat various diseases. Now, researchers found that traditional Chinese medicine can also increase fertility, when combined with fertility treatment program.

 As reported by Dailymail, Wednesday (11 / 1), a team of researchers led by Dr. Levi-Ari Shahar from Tel Aviv University, compared the success rate of couples who use reproductive insemination technique, otherwise known Intra Uterine Insamination (IUI), both with and without Chinese herbal therapy and acupuncture.

 Dr. Lev-Ari, who has long been interested in acupuncture treatments and Chinese herbal therapy, conducted a study comparing 29 women aged 30-45 years who received the combined treatment and therapy IUI China, with 90 women from the control group aged 28-46 years only do IUI alone.

 IUI is done by a laboratory procedure for separating sperm that move fast and a slow-moving sperm. Then, the sperm move quickly moved closer to the woman's uterus during ovulation when an egg is released from the ovary in the middle of a monthly cycle.

 The study, published in the journal of integrative medicine, showed a significant increase in fertility when IUI and treatment done simultaneously.

 When combining traditional Chinese medicine with IUI, about 65.5 percent of female participants reported a successful pregnancy, compared with 39.4 percent of women who just do IUI alone.

 Researchers believe that Chinese medicine is useful for fertility rates, including herbal medicine and acupuncture, which can memepengaruhi ovulation and menstrual cycle, increasing blood flow to the uterus, memperoduksi endorphins and provide a sense of calm during induction.

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