Junk Food Make brain damaged

Ghiboo.com - The proliferation of junk food restaurant makes the level of food consumption will increase. Unhealthy foods that contain high calories and saturated fat has more impact than negativity is bad for heart health.

 Start now think twice to eat. Zeenews.india.com in early January 2012 revealed a study that showed high saturated fat content can cause damage to the brain.

 Researchers from the University of Washington School of Medicine studied the brains of mice that are kept and then given food with high fat.

 Rats were injured in the hypothalamus, a brain area that controls appetite, including the desire to eat and give the signal to stop eating when the stomach is felt full.

 The study also found signs of damage in the same brain regions in people who are overweight. Researcher Michael Schwartz assume that obesity is also associated with inflammation in the hypothalamus.

 The researchers then compared the mice fed a high fat diet with mice fed a normal diet for four weeks. In the first week, researchers found gliosis in mice fed a high fat diet, excessive growth of cells which is a sign that the brain has been trying to heal itself from injury.

 Researchers also found that although the brain is an effective repair, inflammation in gliosis continue to grow as long as animals continue to eat high fat foods.

 In addition, brain scans of 34 healthy individuals, ranging from fat to skinny, revealing that the relationship between weight loss and gliosis humans are similar to what was found in mice.

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