U.S. Army war strategy leaked to Wikileaks

 The secret is the biggest secret in U.S. history.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK - A U.S. soldier, Pte Manning (24 Years) was jailed in December 2010 for leaking military secrets of his country. Analysis of the U.S. Army, Bradley Manning also threatened arrested and imprisoned due to the same case.

 Wikileaks leaking of documents has been dismantling all U.S. secrets. The secret is the biggest secret in U.S. history. Among them, the leakage of military strategy and heinous acts of As.

 Pte Manning was jailed for having leaked the use of torture of U.S. soldiers who caused the death of thousands of Iraqi civilians.

 In contrast to Bradley, the intelligence analyst is alleged to have delivered secret information leaked to Wikileaks and the U.S. government's military plans on Whistle blowing website.

 "Bradley had to face a military tribunal," said Lt. Col. Paul Almanza, Chief of the Military Court on Thursday (12 / 1), as written pages Republika.

 Almanza also added, "Intelligence Analyst Bradley Manning has leaked thousands of documents and aiding the enemy. If convicted, he would be jailed," he added.

 Editors: Ramdhan Muhaimin

 Reporter: Aghia Khumaesi

 Sources: BBC News

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