Go International Journal Indonesia

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, the scientific journal Indonesia could be recognized internationally. Efforts are made through accredited online journal that launched Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in Jakarta, some time ago.

It is said the Head of Development, Education and Training (Pusbindiklat) LIPI researcher, Enny Sudharmonowati. "This system allows the accreditation made ​​more focused. Through this system, fostering scientific journals especially those who have signed up for accreditation so much easier. If you have successfully accredited, we will try to incorporate it into the publisher of the journal on an international scale, such as Thomson Reuters or Scopus. Things The same applies to scientific articles, "he said.

Can be read internationally recognized and is the pride and purpose of each researcher and publisher of the journal. However, it is certainly not easy. Intense competition among researchers in the international publishers. Enny said, there are several requirements that must be met, among other journals should be published in English and has a foreign editor. "Surely only the quality of the journal who qualify for accreditation. Because the system is expected to spur creativity and hard work of researchers," he said.

In addition, an international publisher also requires the imposition of continuity. Journal of the requirement to have a period of issuance. Enny example, if the journal is biannual then be published twice a year. This must be met for at least four years. If the conditions are not met, the journal does not qualify for accreditation and can not be issued to an international scale.

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