Referee pulls gun during soccer match in Brazil

Referee pulls gun during soccer match in Brazil - Just  Whenever   you  thought you'd seen everything  in  soccer...

There were crazy scenes  through   a good  lower-league match  throughout  Brazil  on the  weekend,  While   a great  referee pulled out  a  gun  following  tempers boiled over.

The man  inside  question, Gabriel Murta,  are  furious  soon after   acquiring   several  rough treatment  from   sole   of any  teams, but his reaction  is  sure  to be able to  lead  in order to  serious consequences.

As per  your  Mirror:
"Gabriel Murta was kicked and slapped by players from lower-league Amantesde Bola, while the manager invaded the pitch demanding a red card, it is claimed.

Murta, said to be a policeman by day, reacted by racing to the changing rooms and returning with a firearm."

 Murta  may   now  undergo psychological testing  previously   your own  MinasGerais Football Federation decides  at   a great  punishment.

The Referees' Association boss GiulianoBozzano said:

"The MinasGerais Football Federation has already summonsed the referee and a psychologist to a meeting, and I'm going to talk with him today.

On the basis of that conversation and his account of events and the results of the psychological assessment, I'll decide what if any measures to take.

What's happened is obviously not a common occurrence, and I don't want to rush into anything.

At the moment it happened, he's opted for getting his gun because in his view it was a question of controlling a situation."


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