Miley Cyrus & Flaming Lips planning naked concert

John Lester
 Miley Cyrus  and also the  Flaming Lips  usually are   pressing   the  road  then  month  AND   --   As outlined by   a great  Instagram post  by  Lips' frontman Wayne Coyne  -   they\'re  planning  individual  show  from the  performers  IN ADDITION TO  audience appearing  completely   on the  nude.

The tour supports  your   two  parties' recent collaboration, Miley Cyrus  AS WELL AS  Her Dead Petz, starting  in  Chicago  at  Nov. 19  AND ALSO  ending Dec.  6-8   inside  Boston. Clyne didn't mention  in which  show,  whether   just about any   of  these,  may be the  naked  single  but he did  offer   some   other  details.

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According  to  his post  from  Thursday, Cyrus  can be  planning  a  show  by which   your  she,  your current  Flaming Lips  and the  audience  are usually   all   absolutely  naked  AS WELL AS   in which  "white stuff  It  looks  such as  milk"  will be  "spewed" everywhere.  your current   subject   is usually   intended for   the  video, he continued,  for the  song "Milky Milky Milk."

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