Son faces murder charges after parents' remains found

© Courtesy of Easton Police Dept.
Police: Before couple vanished, son wrote of 'perfect plan' - The month  sooner  his parents disappeared, police say Kyle Navin  wrote   The idea  he had  your current  "perfect plan"  to get  "$  regarding  life."

Then,  several  days  before  they vanished, Navin's mother confided  with   a good  friend  It  she  IN ADDITION TO  her husband planned  in order to  cut him out  connected with   their  will.

Now,  the  adult  youngster   of your  trash  holding  businessman  ALONG WITH   the  school library aide faces allegations he killed his parents  AND ALSO  dumped  their  bodies  with the  yard  of any  vacant home  within   a good  well-to-do Connecticut town.

State police said Navin,  of  Bridgeport, faces  3  counts  of  murder  AS WELL AS  murder  throughout  special  Problems   in the  deaths  regarding  his parents,  whom  had been missing  because  August 4. His girlfriend  offers   in addition  been charged  with  conspiracy  for you to  commit murder  AND ALSO  hindering prosecution.

The bodies  regarding  Jeffrey  AND  Jeanette Navin,  associated with  Easton, were found Thursday outside  the  vacant home  inside  neighboring Weston.

According  to help   a good  arrest warrant affidavit  regarding  Navin's girlfriend, Jennifer Valiante, police say Jeanette Navin had been distraught  through the  situation  with  her  young man   in the  days  earlier  she  AND ALSO  her husband disappeared.

Jeanette Navin told  a great  longtime acquaintance her relationship  with  her  child  had been "very tempestuous"  AND ALSO   That  she suspected he  \'m  abusing drugs, according  to the  affidavit. She  likewise  confided  the  couple had  bought   a  home  for   it\'s   young man  but he  feel  failing  to pay for   your current  mortgage  AND  taxes.

Navin  subsequently  told her friend  your  couple had planned  to be able to  cut Kyle, 27, out  connected with   it\'s  will, sell  it\'s  trash-hauling  firm   ALONG WITH  leave  it is   son   with no   just about any  financial  assist   by the  family, according  to the  affidavit.

Investigators  also  reviewed text messages  directed  between Valiante  IN ADDITION TO  Kyle Navin  before  his parents vanished.

In  one  July exchange, he  mentioned   the  plan  to help  "solve every  sole  problem  AS WELL AS   give   all of us   the  wealthy  remarkable  life."

She replied: "I hear ya.  The idea  sounds very good  when i   simply just  don't know."

After  a number of  exchanges, he wrote, "Wipe out  ones  infection  and find  $  for  life.  It has  perfect plan."

Navin's lawyer Eugene Riccio said Saturday morning  It  he expects his  buyer   will be  served  with  arrest papers  by  Connecticut State Police sometime  your  weekend. Navin  might be  arraigned  Whenever  Monday  As soon as   your own  31-year-old Valiante,  who   was  arrested Friday,  is   furthermore   required   to   always be  arraigned, he said.

Navin  is   now  being  kept   with   the  federal prison  with  Rhode Island  from   an  weapons charge, Riccio said. He declined  for you to  comment  on the  murder charges.

On Friday, Assistant U.S. Attorney Tracy Dayton said there  are  evidence,  similar to   the  discovery  of the  remains,  This  "very strongly suggests"  The item  Navin killed his parents. Her comments came  through   a  hearing  on the  weapons charges.

The Navin's pickup truck  am  found  with a  shattered window  on  Aug. 9  throughout   a great  commuter parking lot  throughout  Westport. Jeffrey Navin, 56,  feel  president  associated with  J&J Refuse  in  Westport. Jeannette Navin, 55,  are   a  school aide  throughout  Weston.

In  your  arrest warrant affidavit  with regard to  Valiante, investigators  pointed out  DNA evidence found  throughout  Kyle Navin's truck  IN ADDITION TO  his basement.

Blood found  AND   a great  bullet hole  to the  front passenger seat  of  his truck  approved  positive  with regard to  his mother's blood, according  on the  warrant.  in  his basement, police found blood stains  The idea   verified  positive  intended for  both his blood  AND  his father's blood.

Kyle Navin  \'m  arrested  towards  federal weapon charge Sept.  nine   soon after  authorities say they searched his Bridgeport home  IN ADDITION TO  found  only two  firearms, ammunition  AND ALSO  evidence he  are   applying  heroin, oxycodone  as well as other  controlled substances. He  possesses  pleaded not guilty  in order to  possession  of a  firearm  through   an  unlawful  individual   of any  controlled substance.

Navin's bond  towards  murder  expenses   feel  set  from  $2.5 million,  although  Valiante  is usually  being  retained   with  $2  zillion  bail.

Authorities  previously  disclosed text messages  of which  Jeffrey Navin  enquired  his  child   no matter whether  he hurt his mother,  AND ALSO   of which  Jeffrey Navin expressed concern he  am  being framed  pertaining to  his wife's killing.  your  texts were  directed   your own   time frame   your own  Navins vanished.

According  to the  arrest warrant affidavit  intended for  Valiante, Jeffrey Navin texted his  son   in  Aug. 4 —  your own   night out  he disappeared — saying he would not  zero  home until his knew his wife  am  OK.  ones  father  also   questioned  his  boy   whether or not  he hurt his mother.

"No  definitely  not. Why would  people  think," Kyle Navin responded, according  towards the  affidavit.

"I  zero  home  and have  framed  with regard to  murder," Jeffrey Navin  then  texted.

"Oh stop," Kyle Navin texted back.

Kyle's younger brother, Taylor,  exactly who  lives  inside  Mississippi,  \'m   furthermore  interviewed  via  police, according  towards the  arrest affidavit  with regard to  Valiante.

When police said his brother  are   an individual   involving  interest  in  his parents' disappearance, he responded: "When  my partner and i  heard  THE  parents were missing  i  thought  to help  myself, 'they either went  at  vacation,  or maybe   MY  brother did something  to be able to  them.'"    

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