Harry Reid Hillary Clinton, Key Endorsement

© John Locher, AP
Harry Reid endorses Hillary Clinton - Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid is supporting Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Democratic presidential race. The Nevada senator made his backing known in a CNN interview on Wednesday.

"I think the middle class would be better served by Hillary,"  Reid told CNN.

"I also think she's the woman to be the first president of the United states that's a female," he added.

Reid's backing comes days after Clinton defeated Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Nevada caucuses on Saturday, her second win in the first three contests — Sanders won the New Hampshire primary overwhelmingly.

Reid has served with Sanders in the Senate since the Vermont senator's election in 2006, and served with Clinton during her Senate tenure from 2001 to 2009.

Reid said he called Sanders on Tuesday to let him know of his intentions.

"It was a really wonderful call," said Reid, who's retiring when his term ends after the 2016 election.

Sanders has not been endorsed by any of his Senate colleagues.

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