20 Ways Not Easy To Forget

Had placed the car keys where you? Oven had been turned off have not you? Er's door has been locked yet?
If you're used to asking some questions to yourself, aka a forgetful, here are 20 steps to improve your memory.
1. PadatkanWhen recalling a long row of letters such as 33987643134509, solve it to be: 33 98 76 43 13 45 09.
2. Do not cramBetter make room on the learning process. For example, when you learn a foreign language, do not repeat a word continuously. So advice Dr Chris Moulin of Leeds Memory Group. Repeat several times, and then continue again, and come back later.
3. Create a guideIf you have a regular activity every day at certain times, such as taking medication, give yourself clues to help niatanmu it. For example: "When the TV show is over I'll take the medicine."
4. Use imagesOne way to remember something, such as names of people, is to describe their faces. So when you meet Joe Diamond, imagine a diamond (diamonds). You need more creative ways to describe the name of the person with an unusual name.
5. Create a more meaningfulUse a special meaning to represent a fact or figure, if you need to remember the number 50110662012, think of Levi's jeans, Hastings War, or the London Olympics.
6. Make it more personalMake it something I want you to remember touch with yourself. That's a relief to remember plaing good. For example Blair came to power in 1997, you graduated in 1997.
7. Roman Room MethodRoman Room method is about remembering a series of information by visualizing them into a location. Use the place that you know well with less, do thoughts travel through rooms in a regular order. Then place the information from your list one by one into each room.
So when you want to remember the Prime Minister, Harold Wilson's place in the hall, James Callaghan in the family room, Margaret Thatcher in the kitchen and so on. Think slowly and it will continue to stick.
8. RoutinesBoring routine is your best friend memories. Put these items in the same place in a long time. The more familiar, the easier you remember.
9. MemorizeMemorizing is a learning technique that helps your memory - like 'Mejikuhibiniu' to remember the colors of the rainbow. Use phrases to remember it, the more bizarre the better.
10. Eating fish mucusOmega-3 oils in fish are slimy, can help you concentrate power.
11. Consumption of cholineCholine, amino acids exist in eggs, liver, chicken and soy, can keep the brain and improve memory. Recent research showed that people with high consumption of choline successfully completed the memory tests with a better - though long-term health diet is the key to maintaining good brain function, with green vegetables, berries, tomatoes, beans and sprouts are good food for memory.
12. SportA Cambridge University study mentioned, regular aerobic exercise such as jogging can improve memory by triggering the growth of new neurons in the brain.
13. TeachTeach new concepts on others can help your mind to it. So give small courses to your friend when you both learn to test the same.
14. Positive ThinkingAccording to health experts at Harvard, negative stereotypes about aging makes memory decreased. So parents who value poor memory tests when faced with pessimistic statements about the age and brain power - and better when they hear the message to keep the memory remained strong until his retirement.
15. Use all sensesThe more senses you use when experiencing an event, the easier you remember it later. Example, smell can quickly restore the memories of the past. So start sniffing.
16. NoteDraw or write the information you want to be remembered.
17. RepetitionWhen you want to remember new things, repeat out loud. For example if you had told someone's name, calling their name when talking to the person.
18. Challenge yourselfActivity requires concentration. Join a book club, crossword puzzles or try new recipes. Any activity that uses the brain will help to keep the old talent until later.
19. Write, do not typeYour finger may be awkward to use when writing instruments are used to typing, but writing by hand can make the brain processes information better. So when learning something new, write it down.
20. MeditationU.S. research shows that daily treatment of reinforcing parts of the brain cerebral cortex, responsible decision making, attention and memory. Try doing a technique to empty the mind, focusing on an image, sound or your own breath.

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