Jose Canseco Wants To Nuke Mars?

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Ex-baller Jose Canseco does the math on nuking Mars - A few months back, Elon Musk suggested that exploding nuclear bombs on or above Mars could be the way to kick-start an atmosphere on the Red Planet to eventually support life. The unorthodox idea now has support from an unorthodox source for space exploration commentary -- former Major League Baseball star Jose Canseco.

"By my calculations if we nuked the polar ice caps on Mars we would make an ocean of 36 feet deep across the whole planet," Canseco writes on Twitter. In a string of tweets, he also thinks about the need to get some ammonia to Mars and suggests colliding "Saturn's moon Triton" with Mars as a means of firing up a magnetic field.

Yes i DID think about the missing magnetic field. It is created when the Triton collision liquidates Mars outer core into molten iron.

It's not clear what kind of calculations Canseco actually did, if any, but since he seems unaware that Triton is actually a moon of Neptune and not Saturn, it's probably safe -- in my personal opinion -- not to take him too seriously.

So while Canseco may not be the best at impersonating Musk to troll us all on Twitter, his tweets are consistently entertaining nonetheless. Earlier this week he also claimed to have filed a patent for his first invention, and a few years back he was seen tweeting about time travel.

I have created my first invention and filed my first patent

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